Andrej Lavcanski
Andrej Lavcanski MACEDONIA Instagram
Sashko Ilov KAVADARCI – MACEDONIA Instagram Art Director, Photographer, Graphic, and Web Designer. Member of IAVA (International Association of Visual Artists – Florence, Italy). Also 5 years teacher on photography and graphic design. My artwork covers the native and modern elements mixed in. and takes a critical view of social, political, and cultural issues. While …
Laze Tripkov SKOPJE – MACEDONIA Instagram Laze Tripkov gain his MA at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (graphic design department) at 2002. The same year he began his post master studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, Poland at the department of Multimedia and Design. He run his personal LA3 Design …
Ivana Hristovska SKOPJE – MACEDONIA Instagram SS. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Faculty of fine arts. Projects, participations and exhibitions: -Exhibition of miniatures –Faculty of fine arts 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. Annual Exhibition – Faculty of fine arts 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. Project “My city’’ sponsored by Skopje 2018. Project “How I see the …
Biljana Jovanoska SKOPJE – MACEDONIA Instagram In the words of our very own Minister of Health about the pandemic- People, this is not a joke! In my own words about the pandemic- DO the hula hoop! If u think about it, this is actually the solution to COVID- 19. If everybody in the world would …
Andrej Lavchanski SKOPJE – MACEDONIA Instagram My name is Andrej Lavchanski and I am from Macedonia. I have a Bachelor’s degree in printmaking with a graphic design module from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje. As a graphic designer, one of the many designers I look up to is Noma Bar. His minimalistic style …