Biljana Jovanoska

In the words of our very own Minister of Health about the pandemic- People, this is not a joke!
In my own words about the pandemic- DO the hula hoop! If u think about it, this is actually the solution to COVID- 19.
If everybody in the world would do the hula for 14 days, the pandemic would be over. Yes, there would be some sore muscles, some broken bones, all TikTok videos would be the same (I’ve never seen one- yes, I am from this planet!), and the entire world would look like a joint contemporary take on the Ministry of Funny Walks sketch from Monti Python, but then- it will be all over!!!
In the midst of quarantines, many infected, many dead, job losses, mental health issues, no Olympics in Tokyo, no European Football Championship, no travel, no coffee with friends, no concerts, no festivities- with my poster I tried to bring some levity to this grim situation we are all facing.
I read it somewhere and now actually have it pinned on a wall in my living room- Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life- so, I threw caution to the wind and traded my trading career at the bank for one of a designer.