Tomaso Marcolla

Tomaso is graduated from the Art Institute of Trento (Italy) and started working as a graphic designer
in 1985. «My masterpieces often arise from a contamination, a collage of traditional artistic techniques (drawing, watercolor, etc.) together with the digital intervention of the computer. The topics of my art works are the values which characterized my daily life, such as the solidarity, the non-violence and the environmental protection, which I try to represent in an original way, in order to stimulate curiosity, reflection and thinking, always with a connection to the present. The first cartoons dates to the ‘90s and they were realized with traditional techniques, namely watercolor, pen, collage. My first poster which was rewarded in a competition was called “Peace talks”, it dates to 1999 and it was realized with pen on paper.
Afterwards the technique evolved with the diffusion of “digital”. The technique of realization changes, but the inspiration always comes out in the same way: a piece of news, a social problem, an event which impressed me particularly. Successively, I try to reproduce it through my art with the aim to intrigue and to stimulate reflection. I even choose to represent tragic events, but never violently».