Mahmoud Ramezani

Acknowledged as one of Canada’s most accomplished graphic designers for the unique ability to translate a vision into powerful corporate,marketing and advertising design solutions using traditional and digital design principles. Along with Masters in Fine Arts from York University, and over 40 years of professional experience, my work has been highly recognized in the graphic design industry. Some of the awards received: “Best Design in Canada” as well as Gold and Silver awards from a variety of associations and in competitions throughout North America.
As a designer and fine-art artist, I feel compelled to express myself through art, especially through times like Covid time. There are days that I truly feel like I am living and working from the trenches of this situation.
My poster is an expression of the uncertainty and confusion that I feel, and many people around the globe share with me. The virus is entering us, it has entered our consciousness. [U] represents the audience with supporting primary colours to illustrate the world. The «graphics» represent the horrific disease creeping into you.The challenge is global. We need to prevail and to win this battle.