Yiyuan Ding

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Participant in 2014 – 2015 Cultural Industry Entrepreneurship and Creative Talent Support Plan· Outstanding Creative Works of Youth. She was selected as one of the final 138 young design talents, and was selected into the cultural industry entrepreneurial creative talent pool of the Ministry of Culture, and entered the key support scope of the cultural industry entrepreneurial creative talent support plan. Participant in 2018 Supporting Program for Creative People of the National Cultural Industry in China, carried out by the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Finance of China.
PUBLICATIONS: When Harry Met Sally. Yiyuan Ding (2016). 2017 Spring International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition. Penguin. YiYuan Ding (2019). The Korea Contents Society, International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition, 2019 Spring International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition. THE GRAPHIC OF READING NOTES From- The Work of Art In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.
WORKING EXPERIENCE: Design Direction / Company Founder, YINGYUESHANFANG Culture Media Co. Ltd, Yangzhou. Fictioneer, China Reading Limited, China (Part-time Working) Length of working: 18.07.2020 to current.